
The Aera of Polemachi - Tavronitis

30km west of Chania, the village of Tavronitis stands at the point where the north coast road sends an exploratory spur wriggling southwards over the mountains to Paleochora.

Tourism still remains pretty low key and the village retains an authentic ambience with very friendly shopkeepers, delighted to have the opportunity to practice there English, to have the chance to hear about other peoples life style ore tell about there own.

In the village of Tavronitis you will find a couple of convenient mini-markets, there's a butcher bakery and a patisserie.

If you go down by the sea are 3-4 tavern's strung along the pebbly shore line which stretches some 10 km around the bay to Kolymbari notable for its mouth watering choice of harbour side fish tavern's, a larger super market and 3 banks all with ATM.

For fresh fruit, vegetables and local atmosphere visit the Saturday market in Voukoulies, 7 km inland.

Closest amenities:

Airport: 35 min (Chania) & 2 hrs 20 minutes (Heraklion)
A.T.M: 5 min drive
Bakery: 5 min drive
Beach: 10 min drive
Gas station: 5 min drive
Mini market : 5 min drive
Port of Souda: 20min drive
Taverns: 10 min

Contact Us
Municipality of Voukolies
Polemarchi, Chania, Crete, Greece
(+30) 6977089159
(+30) 28210 70582
email: [email protected]